Terms & Conditions

Welfare Policy

Your dog’s welfare is always my priority. If I feel it is not in your dog’s best interests, I reserve the right not to carry out any grooming services.

I will not put your dog through unnecessary discomfort or pain by trying to detangle or brush out a matted coat. If this is the case, I will undertake humane de-matting in compliance with the Animal Welfare Act 2006 (section 9). De-matting during a routine groom is limited to 15 minutes and is only possible if the matting is minimal. For severely matted coats, the only humane way to deal with this will be to completely shave off the coat. This is the kindest thing to do, regardless of the cut not looking how you would have hoped.

Matting can be avoided by careful brushing at home, as well as booking in for regular grooms. If you would like my advice on how to brush your dog correctly, which brushes to use, or would like me to recommend a grooming schedule, please get in touch and I would be happy to help.

Cancellation Policy

Although I will do my best to re-schedule and re-fill cancelled appointments, it may not be possible if the cancellation is at very short notice. For this reason, I ask that you give at least 48 hours notice of cancellation. 

Appointments cancelled within 24 hours of the appointment time will incur a charge equal to 50% of the service booked. Appointments cancelled within 12 hours will incur a charge equal to the full cost of the service booked. This will be added to the cost of any subsequent grooms.

Please get in touch if you have any questions.

Aggressive Dogs

I reserve the right to refuse to groom aggressive or difficult dogs with behavioural problems.

The dog owner must inform me, in advance of the appointment, if their dog is known to be aggressive or has ever bitten anyone. The owner understands that they will be legally liable for the consequences of all bites caused by their dog, in accordance with the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991.

If your dog is accepted for grooming and displays aggression that I have not been informed of, the groom will be terminated immediately, and you will be contacted to collect it. The full starting price of the groom will be levied.